Basic mapping

Basic mappingBasic mapping
  1. Basic mapping is topographic mapping made from new surveys .


  2. The Hangzhou basic mapping management department takes the dynamic following up on mapping method into action in order to adapt to the new situation .


  3. The provided basic mapping can be extended company-wide , department-wide or even project-specific conventions and patterns .


  4. This paper discussed a new mapping method from XML Schema to the object-relational database , its basic mapping rules and an approach based on DOM-chart model in details .


  5. Basic mapping is an indiscerptible part of GIS ; spatial data is recognized as the core of geographical information system , concise basic map provide the base of successful spatial research based on GIS .


  6. The basic mapping of EUP system can be done on FIE test rig , while engine full load curve should be calibrated on engine test bench , which actually is to optimize injection timing according to emission performance .


  7. Four basic OR mapping rules are presented and described , the advantages and disadvantages are compared respectively .


  8. JAX-WS 's basic interface mapping model is not extensively different from JAX-RPC 's ; however


  9. If you want basic LUN mapping information , issue / opt / mpp / lsvdev


  10. PureQuery provides some basic object-table mapping functionality that can be very useful when you are developing your data access layer .


  11. Since pureQuery provides some basic object-relational mapping , consuming the result set of the SQL / XML query is a straightforward task .


  12. With a basic class-to-element mapping , you 're ready to start mapping fields of the book class to specific elements within the XML document .


  13. The data collecting , data base constructing , basic geological-geochemical-geophysical mapping , data analyzing and regional metallo-genetic regularity researching are major contents of the comprehensive study .


  14. For protecting of data consistency from BPEL to LOTOS , this paper , based on the basic semantic mapping rules , provide BPEL-to-LOTOS data type mapping .


  15. After introducing the basic ontology mapping theory , we discuss the problems of the existing ontology mapping algorithms . An improved algorithm for ontology mapping has been proposed according to the definitions of processes ontology .


  16. The concrete procedures and methods for the measurements of ecostratigraphic sections , establishment of basic ecostratigraphic mapping units communities and ecostratigraphic mapping have been summarized through 1 ∶ 50 000 trial ecostratigraphic mapping .


  17. Discussion on the Management of Market-oriented Urban Basic Surveying and Mapping Data


  18. Improving the Mechanism of Urban Basic Surveying and Mapping and Promote its Sustainable Development


  19. Design and implementation of basic surveying and mapping information management and distribution system based on Oracle Spatial


  20. Prediction and Analysis of the Needs of Basic Surveying and Mapping in Heilongjiang Province


  21. The Feasibility Application of DEM Technical Production Improvement in Basic Surveying and Mapping Projects


  22. Use and Secondary Development of Arc / Info Software in 1:10000 Scale Basic Surveying and Mapping Project


  23. Utilize the Basic Surveying and Mapping Product Resources to Facilitate the Application of Geo-information


  24. The Necessity of Reinforcing the Standardization about the Basic Surveying and Mapping under the Digital District


  25. The state shall give fiscal support to the basic surveying and mapping of remote regions and ethnic minority regions .


  26. Then demonstrates the basic strategy of mapping object model to relation model , and analyzes the main problems of pure ORM ;


  27. In recent years , basic surveying and mapping , Quanzhou , Fujian Province will constantly push forward to achieve gratifying results .


  28. Basic data in mapping soil background content has 302 analytical data of soil elements and regional distribution which are mapped with computer plotting and factor analysis .


  29. Initiated and guided by the government , setting up a steady working mechanism is extremely significant for the sustainable development of basic surveying and mapping .


  30. Second , the development and reform departments at all levels to basic surveying and mapping program included in the level of government annual plans for national economic and social development .
